Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Engine Stripdown

Start of the long weekend, and first job was to strip down the top & bottom end of the engine to see what its condition is. After a bit of heavy lifting & pulling, finally got the engine mounted into the stand:

Next the rocker cover was removed, followed by the rocker shaft, tappets & finally the head was removed.

Next job was to remove the sump. Once this was removed, the pistons were removed, allowing full inspection of the bores & bearings, etc.

Overall, the engine appears to be in very good condition. No bores have any serious scores, head gasket had a small bit of blowing between cylinders 1 & 2. The head has a large amount of carbon build up - just needs cleaning up. As I plan on keeping the engine for a short amount of time, whilst I source a replacement, I'll rebuild the engine as is, replacing the gaskets, crank bearing shells & piston rings. The water pump was the only part of the engine in need of replacment, as can be seen below:

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