Monday, 2 April 2007

Bulkhead Removal

On Saturday we were ready for the big lift to remove the bulkhead. After the previous couple of evenings I had all the main connections to the chassis dismantled. After a few 'test' lifts with the crane and I was ready for Saturday afternoon to actually remove the bulkhead

It may not be the ideal way to remove the bulkhead, but I figured that we'd remove the bulkhead complete with the wings, then worry about stripping down the bulkhead later. After a few lifts, disconnecting the remaining connections to the chassis as we went, the bulkhead was finally lift off the vehicle. (Some of the photos are a little bright from the sunlight)

Now that the last of the body work had been removed, the pressure washer came out the remove the last big chunks of mud from the chassis and axles. We were quite suprised at the condition of the chassis - even still had the factory paint intact in most areas.

Now that the chassis is clean, the rolling chassis was pulled back into the garage ready for the last of the stripdown to be completed.

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