Friday, 30 March 2007

Wing Bolts

Last night removed all the bolts attaching the wings to the chassis. Think there is one left to remove on each side, as the wings don't seem to want to be removed.

Also removed the sill-bars from the bulkhead. Drivers side came out easily, but on the passenger one, the first bolt sheared. So I had to twist the sill bar off, but other than than the end bracket being a bit bent is still useable. Nothing that a bit of heat and a big hammer can't fix.

Lift the bulkhead with the engine hoist though, so just need to disconnect steering assembly, brake pipes & electrics.

Once the wings & bulkhead are removed, the pressure washer will be used to remove the last of the mud from the chassis, and I can hopefully work on a cleaner vehicle.

No new pictures for today, as I forgot the SD Card from the camera, so here are a few older pictures not included before for entertainment.

And finally my collection of "Rovers"

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Slow Progress

Slow progress during this week, as I had to return to work.

My target has been getting the wings and bulkhead removed, so I can give the chassis & engine a good clean.

Managed to remove all the front lights ready for the wings to come off.

Then attempted to remove the bolts between the wing & bulkhead. Managed to get one out, and the rest were slipping on the socket.

So I thought of a new plan, to lift off the Bulkhead, wings and front panel all in one. I can then disconnect them all off the vehicle, which I reckon (hoping) will be a lot easier.

Also ran a compression test on the engine. 3 Cylinders are about the same, but one of them was about 30% lower. So I guess I'll be removing the head to see if the Head Gasket needs replacing.

Some pictures below of progress so far (and one of the spanner I snapped trying to undo the passenger side bulkhead bolt!).

Monday, 26 March 2007

Rear tub comes off

The rear tub is the next to be removed, but first we need to remove the seat box & floor panels: (Which needs some grinder action!)

Then the seatbox comes out

With all fixings to the rear tub removed, the rear tub can be lifted off (with the help of the new crane)

And after much tweaking, the rear tub is finally off!

Stripdown begins

Began to start stripping the body. Initially the Truck Cab, hoop sticks & doors have been removed:

Next the wheels have been taken of to check out the hubs, brakes & clean the larger bits of mud off the chassis:

The engine bay will also be in need of some serious cleaning!

The photos below give an idea of how much mud came off the chassis:

Damage Assessment

Onto assessing the damage on the vehicle. Obviously first is the brakes - only handbrake has any affect. Chassis needs some work too - Rear Crossmember & Bulkhead Outriggers are in need of replacement:

Chassis also needs a good clean, as a couple of decades of farm mud has been built up! As can be seen on the Axles:

Other this, the rest of the vehicle is in good condition - just needs a good clean. Engine and Gearbox seem in good order, although the transfer gearstick will not move.

New 90 Has Arrived

The new 90 got delivered on Thursday morning.
Was interesting getting it onto the drive with now brakes, but finally managed it.
Some pictures below of the Land Rover as bought.
And some of the Interior: